After sightseeing in Venice, we spent a terrific afternoon on Lido Beach. We went there thanks to hometown friend, Dawn and her suggestion. We rented a beach chair for Mom and the kids made a mad dash for the surf. Ever my critter-loving girl, Cameron caught two small hermit crabs (that ended up visiting five additional countries with us) and Caroline played in the sand and water. It was such a relaxing afternoon and a welcome break from the mad dash of sightseeing.

I had just settled down with my glass of white wine when a group of obviously American girls grabbed a spot next to us. Who would have guessed we would be next to Missourians on an Adriatic beach? Yep, that's right - the girls from Villa Duchesne in St. Louis were our sandside neighbors for the day. Fearless as they were, they enthusiastically joined a group of Italian guys in a game of beach soccer. I encouraged them to get in there and show them what Missouri girls were made of - and they did! Like all good moms, stand-in or otherwise, I enjoyed watching from the sidelines while guarding their stuff.