Tuesday, May 19, 2009

London, May 18th

I learned a new version of the meaning of rock and roll when our 777 landed at Heathrow. The pilot had mentioned it was "blustery" in London, but I had no idea that those wind gusts would rock a mammoth plane like that. I'm not a fan of flying as it is and usually feel safer in the jumbo jets - but oh my.

Although the flight itself was rather smooth, neither Cameron, Caroline or I were able to get much sleep. There was a particularly difficult two year old across the aisle and our nearest neighbors were very restless.

After we checked into our hotel, we roamed Knightsbridge and picked up some goodies at the food hall in Harrod's. We picnicked in Hyde Park, walked to Buckingham Palace and rode the Tube. As we were going down Brompton Road, Cameron announced, "I feel like I've come home!" I'll second that feeling. I heart London.

We have had major frustrations with the cell phone and the wireless on the computer, but we're working on it.

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